Anne-Marie Loades

Typical Session

A face to face counselling session normally lasts for 60 minutes. It takes place at my home address at Ripley near Alfreton in Derbyshire.
A risk assessment will be conducted and I reserve the right to revert to other platforms if the Covid risk increases.
I do also offer telephone sessions during the Coronavirus pandemic and for those people who feel safer engaging in counselling by phone.
It has been recognised that ,although it may be the first time you have used this approach, some people do find it easier to talk and express themselves without actually being in the room with their Counsellor.

The first session is an assessment session to check out if the type of therapy which I offer is what you need at this time. If this is not the case then I will try to refer you to someone else who may offer what you need.

When a person enters into a counselling relationship, the issue of confidentiality is of great importance and I will discuss this with you before any agreement is entered into. Confidentiality does have limitations and on very rare occasions, issues may need to be discussed with another agency or
individual. Whenever possible, this would only take place after prior
discussion with clients and with their permission. If, however, there is likelihood of serious harm to the client or other persons or legal issues then there may need to be consultation with the client's G.P or another appropriate person.This is only likely in very rare circumstances and normally I would discuss my concerns first with the client.

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